Pro Audio Bono (PAB) is a well-known Polish manufacturer of audiophile furniture, anti-vibration platforms and anti-vibration feet. Pro Audio Bono is located in Mysiadło – an urbanized village in Agglomeration of Warsaw.

We are a specialized company directed towards the individual customer. We manufacture short series of platforms, tables, stands and anti-vibration feet, we also make products on special orders of our clients. Everything is handmade. Our credo is: “We will fulfill any order of an effective anti-vibration device, using the technologies, design and manufacturing experience of PAB„.

We use mainly natural materials and its composites (natural wood, plywood, MDF and veneers, as well as metals, alloys and ceramic products). We use also plastics (mostly acrylic) and synthetic fibers. We use only construction materials, chemicals and mechanisms, that can be fully recycled. This is also valid for our packaging materials.

Furniture (tables and racks) and parts of anti-vibration products (platform shelves and sleeves, solid metal feet and bearing feet) are made in specialized carpenter’s and metal workshops to our proprietary specifications. The roll bearings, ceramic balls and axes mounted inside are coming from worldwide companies.

We devote a lot of attention to the well-design of our products. But their quality, functionality and reliability is paramount for us, even if it is sometimes achieved at the expense of the outside looks. Audiophiles know, that the most important is the High End!  

Pro Audio Bono  ¡ ul. Polnych Kwiatów 21  ¡ 05-515 Mysiadło nearby Warsaw  ¡ POLAND

phone: + 48 602 243 758 ¡

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