PAB reference AVP is in fact a basic platform in a two-part massive enclosure made from plywood, supported on PAB 4 ball bearing feet − see the montage of the reference platform. It is a universal construction. It has a very large shelf, not restricted by the tubes, like in other PAB platforms, so even very large and very heavy audio or home cinema devices can be placed on it. It gives a very dynamic, neutral and spacious sound, in terms of stereo as well as sound stage depth. All users of this platform, after their first listening session, told us, that they never heard an anti-vibration device, that would give so many positive changes to reproduced sounds or pictures.

The reference platform is big and heavy. Its shape, without the feet, is a cuboid with the external dimensions of 22.4 x 18.1 x 7.1″ (or 22.8 x 19.7 x 8.3″) and 55.1-63.9 lb weight. This is not a problem for most users, as they usually prefer its sonic values over its looks. Many people place this platform directly on the floor, as devices placed on it are usually higher, than on the lowest shelf of a standard audio rack.

The massive plywood enclosure is also available as an upgrade for the owners of the standard PAB anti-vibration platform. They can then quite cheaply (the two-part enclosure is much cheaper than a standard platform) improve the anti-vibration capabilities of the standard platform. It is worth mentioning, that the bottom part, made from 3 layer plywood (2.2″ thick), placed on roll bearing feet, is a splendid anti-vibration support for very heavy amplifiers (power amps) and turntables. For the latter it is also important, that it is very stable, due to the usage of PAB bearing AVF with height regulation.

Inside the massive enclosure we can also place the PAB acrylic AVP instead of the basic platform. This will cause further increase of the accurateness of the sound (or picture) reproduction, yet atoned with the increase of the cost of such a set by 60%. Yet we sold a few of such combinations, to owners of very expensive systems, where those platforms are the cheapest element, but still improving their high-end capabilities.